Montag, 31. Juli 2017

Be yourself - everything else will follow

Wir werden immer angezogen von unserem Gegenpol
Zielstrebigkeit sehnt sich nach Ziellosigkeit 
Träumer greifen nach Traumlosen 
Beständigkeit verlangt nach stetiger Erneuerung
Fokus giert nach einem zerfließen in alle Richtungen
Ruhe begehrt Abenteuer 
als wenn wir den Versuch wagen wollen
unser Bestes zu teilen 
mit jemanden der unser Bestes verdient,
um dem Streben zu genügen 
Vollkommenheit zu erreichen.

Samstag, 22. Juli 2017

Remember when I said we will end up in chaos?

By crashing into my life like a flash and leaving as a storm you taught me that everything is temporary and it's a good thing after all. I am appreciating everything so much more now, I recognized what we had was pretty awesome, yet not perfect. I don't miss it anymore, it doesn't feel like as if a piece would be missing, I even think I finally found the missing piece. Leaving you was the best choice I made since I decided to be with you. We are both happier that way. I learned to accept things in the way they are and not crave the past, but appreciate the Now. Our relationship was one big lesson for me. The break up was the exam. Obviously I passed.