Freitag, 30. Oktober 2015

Alpha and Omega

The babe is at peace within the womb;
The corpse is at rest within the tob;
We begin in what we end
- Percy Bysshe Shelley


the desire to care less about things.

Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2015


We live in a generation of not being in 
love, and not being together 
But we sure make it feel like we're
Because we're scared to see each other
with somebody else.


Montag, 19. Oktober 2015

I only call you when it's half past five, the only time I'd ever call you mine.

You held my hand and kissed my lips. Told me you loved me. Said I have the prettiest smile you have ever seen. 
Then you left. Without a word. You let my hand go, finished the last kiss, stood up and went out of my life. 
And I am sitting here, alone with all those memories you gave me.
Wishing desperately for you to come back. 

But it will never happen. I know that. The only thing you left me, is the fear of commitment.

Freitag, 2. Oktober 2015


Ich glaube die Krankheit nennt man Fernweh,

 und dagegen gibt es nur ein Rezept: 

du musst einfach weg.