Samstag, 28. Februar 2015

50 shades of sadness

everything is a copy of a copy of a copy. 
I think I will do a series thats going in that direction, cause not feeling your own body and wanting to be somebody else is not only a problem I suffered from. Like almost everybody has. We all know that feeling when we are not enough or we are feeling empty and try everything to fill this hole with something. I think everybody came to a point when reality doesn't felt that real but it isn't always 'just a phase' its a serious thing. I don't know, I want this really to be a thing, cause its 2015 and I realized way too often how people react to mental illnesses. They are saying: "its all in your head, don't worry there are people in this world who have it worse." "why are you sad? i mean you have a great life, you are healthy, you have a house, you get education etc. there is nothing you can be sad about." And this is the biggest bullshit I ever heard. We are living in a world full of modern products and still we think like we are in the year 1500. It should be time that people accept mental disorders as actual illnesses . Depression is not only sadness, Schizophrenia is not only hearing a voice in your head, being bipolar is not only feeling well and feeling bad. its all more. Everything has a reason and people who have these disorders should be taken serious before they want to kill theirselves. Think about it.

Freitag, 27. Februar 2015


My mind's lost in bleak vision
I tried to escape but keep sinking

Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2015


Baby I'm thinking it over
What if the way we started made it something cursed from the start
What if it only gets colder
Would you still wrap me up and tell me that you think this was smart
Cuz lately I've been scared of even thinking 'bout where we are

Freitag, 20. Februar 2015

Analoge Nächte/Morgene

Mein Geburtstag letzte Woche war echt wirklich lustig und lief unter dem Motto: "no time for fuckboys / lets get wasted" die Bilder waren nicht wirklich öffentlichkeitskompatibel ... Also deshalb lediglich nur eins von der Nacht, aber welche vom Morgen. Die Bilder sind ziemlich dunkel, aber irgendwie macht es sie genau deswegen so schön finde ich.

Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2015


Grade mal 2 Wochen Schule und ich fühl mich wieder halbtot. Zähl die Stunden bis zum Wochenende und die Tage bis zu den Ferien, erst da kann ich wieder zum fotografieren kommen weil ich dann den Kopf nicht so voll hab, von dem ganzen Schulstress und tralala da drum rum. Vielleicht kommt dieses Wochenende noch was zustande, das hängt ganz von dem Verlaufe der nächsten Tage ab. Hoffe ihr habt ne bessere Woche.

Sonntag, 15. Februar 2015

Irakische Botschaft

I want to find myself by the sea,
In another's company.
by the sea, I want to go out to the pier,
Gonna dive and have no fear

Samstag, 14. Februar 2015

simple things

I'm not saying everything is survivable. Just everything except the last thing is.

Freitag, 13. Februar 2015

lets play a game.


We'd never make anything better than this
'Cause we're always in small circles
And everyone thinks we're trouble
We didn't read it in the big book
And now we're giving you the look look

Mittwoch, 11. Februar 2015


 Mein Geburtstag ist zwei Tage her und es war einer der schönsten (abgesehen davon das meine eine beste Freundin nicht hier in Berlin ist). All die schönen Glückwünsche, manche haben meinen Geburtstag zwar verpeilt aber naja da muss man anscheinend drüber weg sehen. In den Winterferien war ich viel mit Dimana unterwegs und es sind echt gute Bilder entstanden die auch in den nächsten Tagen folgen werden.